Tag Archives: Lily

A Somber Sad Affair… (Game 47)

I found myself struggling to run in Lupus form back to the Sept with the strange Garou named Gavin who helped me. Given our states after the capture, Gavin managed to hotwire a nearby car in a parking lot and we got on the road much faster than our damaged bodies could handle.

Along the way, he attempted to get to know me. I was apprehensive at first, but when he told me that he had a mission to come to my Sept from Roedeer, I opened up a bit more. I told him about our Sept and our mission. I know I shouldn’t have, but I could tell he wasn’t lying and I knew to trust the spirits.

[At the Sept…]

The Sept was in high alert. With the assault on the kinfolk and the potential for his daughter to be alive, Logan still wanted to head out to New York and find her. However, things took a major hitch when, after asking for some time alone from Q, Caitlyn had been kidnapped. Scourge-of-the-Woods put the entire Sept on lockdown till something could be done about the kinfolk and Caitlyn could be located. Attempts at finding her through a Questing Stone failed and Prescott Solomon seemed the obvious agent given his ability to render the Questing Stone worthless.

As the week went on, Logan worked with Daniel to get the remaining kinfolk relocated, new phones, new names, and new jobs to shield them from further attack. During those three days, William attempted to contact Caitlyn through Dreamspeak and Q, but to no avail.

Silent Hunter approached Logan with the idea that Caern Rattler might be in the Underworld. Given that Caern Rattler was tasked with collecting all knowledge and memories, his “death” would likely be an appropriate reason for his disappearance. There were several other signs he noticed like Caern Rattler being linked to water and the pack’s “death” at the hands of the Drowned King.

[Back to Caitlyn…]

After three days of non-stop torture and sleep deprevation, I was glad to be at the edge of the bawn. Gavin stopped near the edge of the road and we walked towards the Sept as I called for Q. Bjorn and Agnis met us at the bawn and we hugged and greeted each other happily. Of course, there were many questions as to what had happened, but I needed rest first. Gavin agreed to answer some of the questions and tell them about himself if they were willing to let him in.

With that, Bjorn asked Logan about it who seemed interested and agreed. I made my way back to the cabin and cleaned up and rested, already broken and exhausted from the last two weeks.

Gavin had a lot to say to the pack. He was once a Black Spiral Dancer who had been redeemed through the Near Realm of Erebus. He once belonged to the Sept of the Tri-Spiral before they found out his heritage that Bron Mac Fionn had been hiding from them. While he was still allowed to stay, Gavin decided it would be better to not press his luck.

Wandering for some time, he was approached by Roedeer. The spirit gave him a mission to come to the Sept of the Sleeping Lion and offer his knowledge of Malfeas and be a guide once we entered. However, to prove his worthiness of this mission, Gavin was required to not travel by car, with the exception of getting across the ocean to America. Here, he would travel from Sept to Sept, helping the ones he could. It would take him nearly six years, but he had now made it.

Logan seemed interested in having him join, but he would leave the decision up the elders. Gavin asked though that he not mention his dark past to his elders lest he jepordize his chances.

Although we were all back together, Logan wanted revenge on Prescott for his actions to the Sept. It would likely be a suicide mission if he did so. He spoke to Crafty about the situation and Crafty told him that going for Prescott would be too dangerous of an idea. Instead, looking into Caern Rattler was a better idea. Logan still wanted to look into Lily’s whereabouts, but agreed to Crafty’s idea. He would go as soon as I was well-rested.

During this time, Logan called his father. Morgan hadn’t found anything out about Lily yet and was going to extreme lengths to do so. Logan told him to stop and instead start going after Prescott. This would be the best idea that he could muster to deal with the issue. Morgan agreed to it and they hung up.

Also, William, Bjorn, and Agnis got together on an idea for solving two birds with one stone. Both William and Agnis had trouble having sex with anyone due to past incidents. William accidently killed his girlfriend and Agnis was nearly raped. This caused much fear in them and the risk that any sex they have might cause them to enter Crinos form and frenzy. With Logan’s approval, they decided they would plan it out and do it when they had the time.

Afterwards, Gruffy called Bjorn over to speak with him privately. He wanted to know what Bjorn was doing about mates. Because of our higher rank, once most became Artho, they didn’t take mates after that. Bjorn hadn’t given it too much consideration. He really hadn’t even signed off on Magnus and I. Still, he would look into it.

Gruffy then gave Bjorn the bad news. Lily is likely dead. Apparently, Lindsey found out when body parts that the Sept was fairly sure were Lily’s, were mailed to her. Lindsey is teetering on the brink and is now possibly suicidal. Bjorn looked distressed, but called Logan over and told her about the situation.

Logan told Bjorn that he would have to smell the body parts to determine if it was her. He also took the moment to apologize to Q for sending Morgan after his daughter. It was wrong of him and in the moment he felt driven by vengeance. Q, of course, accepted saying that we were all his children and that we must not fall to revenge for it is the way of the Wyrm.

We headed to Gina’s where Lindsey currently was. Logan told Lindsey that she would be spending some time with us at the cabin for the time being until she felt better. I even took the moment, although painful to myself, to express my sympathy after losing Ryan. Agnis took the moment to create an aura of peace for Lindsey that helped quite a bit.

We brought Lindsey back to the cabin and I went to see Magnus. I spent some time alone with him and told him I wanted another child. I had wanted one for a while, but now more than ever.

After spending some time with Magnus, Logan had me summon the kin-fetch spirit for Lily that I had placed on her earlier. Unfortunately, there was no link and it all but confirmed her death.

Later that night, we had a Gathering for the Departed for Ryan and Lily, even though they were not Garou. Everyone spoke their words of comfort and sympathy and we ended it with adding stones next to Kyle and Rage Heart.

I was still upset over the events going on so I took Logan with me to speak with Daniel. If Prescott was behind these attacks, we needed to know anything more we could about him. Daniel, however, was uncooperative. He was very somber and I could tell that just thinking about the events disturbed him. I tried to get him to talk about his klaive and the prophecy attached to it in the hopes that it would inspire the Sept to keep pushing forward. Unfortunately, Daniel just told that it should be kept between us. I wanted some form of hope or even belief, but Daniel just told me that I’m all he has left.

Afterwards, Logan went to Gavin who was still on the bawn to ask about any names he might have heard that were close to Prescott. If we could not track him, maybe we could track someone close to him. Gavin told us Michelle Kwon was her name, a secretary not to Prescott, but to the FBI team leader “Eagle”. It worked and pointed north.

The next day, I didn’t see Gavin anywhere so I was a bit saddened that he wouldn’t be joining us at the Sept. We had formally decided to go after Caern Rattler. In the meantime, Tania One-Boon would take up a formal position as Kinfolk Tracker. She would ensure the kinfolk were properly monitored. It was now time to enter the land of the dead…